Crab Feed Time!! 1/28/2022

It’s CRAB FEED TIME!!  Get your tickets today for our 1/28/2023 Crab Feed.  All proceeds will go to the 12u Diehards for their Road to Cooperstown.  To get your tickets click on the link below, fill out the form and you will get an email for payment info. Let us know if  you have any questions.…

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11u Paint Night Fundraiser a Success!

November 20, 2022 –  11u Fredrickson had a paint night fundraiser at CoCo County Wine Bar in Brentwood to support their trip to Arizona in March 2023.  It was a great turn out.   Thanks to the team parents for organizing a great night.  I mean who doesn’t love crafts and wine and raffles?! Congrats to…

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